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Family Living

Kappa chapter learns history of Old Mission Church

Betsy Bowen talks about Old Mission Church

Nineteen members and guest Jodi Phillips of Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International met Betsy Bowen at Upper Sandusky’s Old Mission Church on Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. Bowen presented various interesting facts of the history of the church and native Americans of the Wyandot tribe and their leaders. The church was built in 1824 and rebuilt in 1889. The U.S. government forced the Wyandots to move west in 1843, but the people did have a year to make a choice to move or not as a number of the Wyandots had intermarried with white families. Their greatest decision was whether they would give up their ties to the Wyandot tribe. Some of those who had moved west to Kansas did return to Upper Sandusky as the Kansas land was not of their liking.

Grant enables BLHS students to conduct study of Mad River

River studies

Through a $12,000 Martha Holden Jennings Foundation grant titled Deeper Understandings of the Environment, Benjamin Logan High School students are focused on assessing the quality and condition of the Mad River. The Mad River is a 66-mile long unique stream. It is the largest cold water stream in Ohio. It is fed by underground water and is capable of supporting trout.

Harvard professor to speak at ONU

Hopi Hoekstra

ADA – Harvard University faculty member Hopi Hoekstra, Ph.D., will discuss “From Darwin to DNA: Digging for Genes that Affect Behavior” at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 2 in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts at Ohio Northern University. The talk, which is part of the Keiser Distinguished Lecture Series in Life Sciences at ONU, is free and open to the public.

Hoover wins Club 250 prize

Kenton-Hardin Coounty Soroptimist International congratulates Club 250 winner Elaine Hoover for week 43. She will receive $100. Club 250 is a fundraiser that helps to award scholarships to local women and girls.

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