Home Family Living Seniors (page 57)


New beauty shop

New beauty shop

Residents Becky Parsell and Pat Hare of Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center get their hair done by cosmetologists Erica Furr and Kathleen Hairston at the facility’s new beauty shop. The former ESC area was redecorated and used for the beauty shop, two nail salons, therapy and activity room.

Nominations accepted for Senior Citizens for Hall of Fame

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Department of Aging is seeking nominations of deserving older Ohioans for the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. This will honor the vital roles elders play in their communities, state and nation, while also promoting the benefits of active, productive and purposeful living.

Senior nutrition: January 13, 2016

A noon meal is served for people ages 60 and older at the Hardin County Council on Aging in Kenton, 419-673-1102, at 11:30 a.m. weekdays. Transportation and meal reservations are required 24 hours in advance.

Visit from Santa

in :  Seniors

Santa and his elf (Mike and Kathy Lawrence) stopped in at Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center on Friday to visit with the residents. Submitted photo

Christmas spirit week

Staff at Hardin Hills Health & Rehab had a Christmas spirit week and each day had a theme. Monday was pajama day; Tuesday, Christmas head attire; Wednesday, ugly sweater day; Thursday, NFL day and Friday was family portrait day.

Spreading holiday cheer

in :  Seniors

Students from Upper Scioto Valley stopped by to pass out Christmas cards and sing carols to residents at Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center in Kenton. Submitted photo

Ugly sweater party

in :  Seniors

The Hardin County Council on Aging Senior Center an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Showing off their sweaters are (from left) Melinda Lightner, Sharon Lowery , Yoshiko Jones, Marie Maxwell, Olive Mckean, Mary Hall, Calvin Pever and Alyssa Moore. Submitted photo

Christmas spirit

Hardin Hills Health and Rehab Center residents get into the Christmas spirit at the monthly pizza party with Italian music and with the decorations they enjoyed the party even more, telling everyone their wish lists.

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