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Tacos to go

A crew this morning began demolition of the Kenton Taco Bell. Owner George Kentris has announced the old site will be replaced with a building more traditional to the chain. The restaurant is expected to reopen for the Memorial Day weekend. Prior to the building being used as a Taco Bell for about 20 years, it was a Traditions Restaurant. …

A gathering place for veterans

Camp Jacob Parrott

Kenton City Council will be asked Monday night to become a part of a plan to transform an underutilized city park into a gathering place for veterans. Organizers of Camp Jacob Parrott believe the facility could reach the lives of thousands while also providing a unique opportunity for economic growth for Hardin County.

Cold treat in cold

Much to the delight of Brylee Bostelman, 5, Yankee’s Dairy Queen in Kenton opened for the 2015 season on Thursday despite frigid temperatures. Bostelman braved the weather to make sure she could get her first ice cream cone of the year. Times photo/Ty Thaxton

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