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Girl Scouts win state fair awards

Award winners

Several Hardin County Girl Scouts came away from the 2019 Ohio State Fair with many awards. Jordyn Smith from Ada captured the Gold Medal in the Girl Scout Speech contest. Her speech titled "Letter to my younger self" was judged outstanding in the Junior category. She earned a Silver medal in the design competition.. They were given a box of items and they had to make a camping scene in 45 minutes. She earned a Bronze medal in the duct tape competition by making a dress, with photos of her modeling it. She also earned a 1st place ribbon in robotics, a 2nd place ribbon for a community service project and a 3rd place ribbon for a game displaying trivia from the Girl Scout Birthplace in Savannah, Ga.

Grange news: August 19, 2019

Painter Creek Community Grange members gathered Thursday, Aug. 15 at the grange hall. Community service chair Joan White asked members to bring new socks for Helping Hands and non-perishables for Make-A-Difference Day. She reported members are to clean the fair restaurant Monday, Aug. 26 at 5 p.m. She has turned in 45 toys, 136 hotel toiletries, 436 more pill bottles, 20 pair footwear and 52 ink cartridges. She announced we will stop saving pop tabs but to bring the pop cans in to help pay for sausage for our sausage and pancake supper. Jean Osborn and Robert White volunteered to host the September 7 recycle.

Painting and sculpture slated at Wolf Creek

Wolf Creek Art Center is offering several classes at the facility, located 4 miles south of Kenton at 16163 Ohio 31. Painting Class: Aug. 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m., paint one or more 6 and 1/2 inch square stretched, pre-sketched canvas, $5/canvas. Persons under 16 years old must attend with an adult. Choose from sunflowers, other flowers, birdhouses, owl, landscape and beach scene.

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