Home Family Living (page 726)

Family Living

Ada Kiwanis Club meets

President Tom Kier opened the seventh weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club for the 2016-2017 year at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 15 in the Dean’s Heritage Room of McIntosh Center, Ohio Northen University, Ada. Jon Umphress offered the invocation.

Remembering veterans

Remembering veterans

Girl Scout troops came to Hardin Hills Health Center last week and presented special gifts to all the veterans. Pictured with them is veteran Joe Dulin. The scouts also served ice cream sundaes to all residents who wanted to participate.

Older Ohioans need to plan now to be ‘Winter Ready’

COLUMBUS — Weather experts are expecting winter 2016 to be colder and snowier than in recent years. Extreme weather conditions are hard on all of us, but can be particularly challenging for older adults, whose bodies don’t react the same way they did when they were younger.

Senior nutrition: November 16, 2016

A noon meal is served for people ages 60 and older at the Hardin County Council on Aging in Kenton, 419-673-1102, at 11:30 a.m. weekdays. Transportation and meal reservations are required 24 hours in advance.

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